Circus Tricks

Our Industry is somewhat smoke and mirrors. Here are some FAQs to help you understand what we are about.


What is the difference between ‘Roving’ and ‘Shows’

A ‘Roving Performer’ is a walkabout act that creates a dynamic atmosphere within an event.
An entertainer that moves effortlessly through the crowd in a playful and engaging manner.

A ‘Show’ is a static entertainment experience where a performer demonstrates skill – generally on a stage though may occur in a ring.


Do you ever get burned?

Fire Performers have trained off stage before gaining the confidence to demonstrate their skills Infront of a crowd. Minor burns are a consequence of practicing this skill, and most performers have experienced some form of burn before making it to the stage.
Major burns occur when a risk management plan is not in place or has been ignored.
Yes, fire can and will burn those who do not respect it.


Will you perform at our event for tickets/exposure?

The day I can pay for groceries with exposure, is the day I will accept these terms for our services.


Where is your tent?

A circus is an act performed in a ring, tents where popularized by traveling productions such as the Ringling Brothers who where known for human trafficking.
Circus also describes the sport of prop manipulation, rhythmic gymnastics and clown arts.
This word does not translate to tent.