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Circus Tricks offers age appropriate school incursions in Queensland, located in Moreton Bay.

Kindergarden Incursion
Starting with a circus show, Miss Trick will perform all her best hula hoop tricks to inspire play.
Slowly introducing the hoops to the kids, the kindy program is focused on learning about circles, boundaries and space.
Various hula hoop games for age appropriate entertainment.
Even toddlers can learn fun games to do with hoops and be inspired to move and play with them around.

Prep to Grade 6 Incursion P-6
Beginning with a circus show, Miss Trick will perform all her best hula hoop tricks to inspire play.
Next I’ll share my best beginner hoop dance moves to help unlock a flow of movement with the hula hoop.
At the very end the kids are invited to show off their best hula hoop trick.

Senior school incursion
Hula hoop show and speech about ‘the spotlight effect’
Inspiring to overcome social anxieties . How Circus helped me find an identity and community through circus and flow arts.
Teaching hula hoop as a meditation of movement that unlocks the body into a peaceful state of mind.
Each workshop is an hour long experience including show.
Max 3 workshops in 1 day
Booking cost:
1 hour workshop: $250
3 1hr workshops: $700
6 1hr workshops: $1250
*prices listed do not include coach travel compensation where applicable. (0.60c per km over 10km return)